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9758 Mifare 4k/32k bit Patch
9758 Mifare 4k/32k bit Patch

9758 Mifare 4k/32k bit Patch

Your Price:$5.85
Your Savings:$3.40(37%)
Part Number:XID - 9758

Choose Options and Quantity

  • 1 - 499
  • $5.85
  • 500 - 999
  • $5.60
  • 1000+
  • $5.45

MIFARE® is a secure and cost effective smart credential technology option available from Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies. aptiQ™ smart cards using MIFARE® technology provide the choice of 2.5k bits, 1K byte (8k bits), or 4K bytes (32k bits) of storage to meet the most demanding data storage requirements. This enhanced data storage allows for a wide range of card applications such as transit, cafeteria services, equipment check-out, and more. The open architecture design of MIFARE® technology is built to ISO 14443 standards providing for a faster data transfer speed. aptiQ™ smart cards using MIFARE® operate on a 13.56 MHz frequency, utilize high security encrypted data which is mutually authenticated in communication between the card and reader, and utilize diversified keys. See Data Sheet.

Minimum order is 100 cards.